Book, Submit, Vote

Booking for Delegates Dinner

Step One

Check your diary for the evening of Fri 10 Dec ‘21 at St Peter’s College

Step Two

Click the link below to book your dinner (no walk-ins this year)

Step Three

Send payment of £75 per person. Your booking won’t be completed until payment is received

This year’s dining is strictly ticketed and seated. Please use the link below to request a booking to tell use the number of guests and any dietary requirements. Tickets cost £75 per person for a four course meal and wine. Once you have paid either,

by BACS (preferably):

Bank: Lloyds

Account name: Oxford Trauma and Orthopaedic Trainees Association

Sort code: 30-98-97

Account No: 32382668

Please use your name as the reference

or by PayPal (solid second, even though they take 3% of our money):

Paypal link

or by cheque sent to (grudgingly):

Oxford Orthopaedic Trainees Association c/o Stevan Jordan, Botnar Research Centre, Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre, Oxford OX3 7LD

If you do not book and pay in advance, we will unfortunately be able to provide dinner for you or your guests. If you have booked and paid but not received your ticket, please contact us by reply to the email we sent confirming your booking so we can ensure your ticket arrives in time.

Book dinner

Don’t forget to send payment when you book!

Abstract submission

Duthie Day showcases the clinical and academic trainees research, audit and quality improvement work. If you are a trainee, please submit your abstract using the link below.

Submit Abstract

Nominations for Trainer of the Year

If you feel one of your trainers has gone above and beyond, please nominate them for TOTY. It’s our way of recognising the excellent training that happens in our region. Shortlisted nominations will announced on the day, with live voting by the trainees for the award.

Vote for Trainer of the Year

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